Glossary B

Bibliotaph also called Bibliotaphe is defined as a person who caches or hoards books.

A therapeutic technique in which the therapist suggests readings (using books and educational materials ) for the client for purposes such as gaining insight into problems, learning new infor

Deutsch: Bidirektionalität / Español: Bidireccionalidad / Português: Bidirecionalidade / Français: Bidirectionnalité / Italiano: Bidirezionalità /

Bidirectionality, within the context of psychology, refers to the reciprocal relationship between two variables or factors. It suggests that the influence or effect between these variables is not unidirectional but rather mutual, with each factor affecting the other in return. This concept is fundamental in understanding various psychological phenomena, human relationships, and behavioral patterns.

Bidirectionality of structure and function (structure - function) refers to the reciprocal interaction of structure and function to produce a pattern of development.

Bifoveal fixation refers to the ability of the foveas of the two (2) eyes to focus on the same object simultaneously, critical to binocular depth perception.

Bifurcation refers to a term used in chaos theory for a sensitive decision point of a complex system.

Big Five refers to the Theory culled from a wealth of experiments and observations.

Big Five theory refers to a conceptual model of the primary dimensions that underlie individual differences in personality ; the five (5) dimensions are extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience. Different theorists sometimes use different labels.