Glossary B

Bipolar I disorder refers to a mood disorder in which a person has episodes of mania - excited, hyperactive, energetic, grandiose behavior and also periods of deep depression;

Bipolar II disorder refers to a mood disorder in which a person is mostly depressed (sad, despondent, guilt ridden) but has also had one or more episodes of mild mania (hypomania ); a condition with only mild manic phases, characterized mostly by agitation or anxiety. Moreover, Bipolar II disorder refers to the same patterns of symptoms found in Bipolar I, but without the same degree of disability. Bipolar II disorder is less severe, does not lead to psychotic behavior, and typically does not require hospitalization.

Bipolar neurons refer to neurons with two (2) axons.

Bipolar self refers to the tension between the grandiose self - "I deserve to get what I want” and an idealized view of parents forming the two (2) poles of the Bipolar self.

Birching means whipping someone using the stripped branch of a tree.

Birth cohort refers to a group consisting of all individuals born in the same year.