Glossary B

Birth culture refers to a culture's beliefs, values, and guidelines for behavior regarding pregnancy and childbirth.

Birth order refers to the idea that place in the family constellation, such as being the youngest child or the oldest child can have an impact on one"s later Personality and functioni

BIS is the abbreviations of Behavioral Inhibition System, a brain System associated with increased Attention and Arousal and inhibited action ; a brain circuit in the limbic System tha

Biserial correlation refers to an index used to express the relationship between a Continuous variable and an artificially dichotomous variable.

Bisexual refers to a person romantically and erotically attracted to both men and women or members of either sex. Bisexuals are people who seek emotional-sexual relationships with members of both genders.

Bisexuality refers to a sexual orientation in which a person has erotic and romantic feelings for both their own and the opposite sex.

Bivariate analysis refers to the analysis of two (2) variables simultaneously, for the purpose of determining the empirical relationship between them. The construction of a simple percentage table or the computation of a simple correlation coefficient are examples of Bivariate analyses.

Bizarre behavior refer to patterns of conduct or demeanor far removed from normal and expected experience.