Glossary B

Burned refers to the act of being observed by the person being surveilled

Burnout refers to the psychological state of being overwhelmed with stress ; a depletion of a person’s energy and motivation, the loss of occupational idealism, and the feeling that one is being exploited; the feeling that results when the pace and the pressure of one’s occupation becomes more than one can bear, depleting a person’s energy and motivation. Moreover, it refers to a job-related condition of mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion. It is also a condition in which a helper has given so much to others that the helper becomes used up, overwhelmed, exhausted, and unable to function effectively to assist others

Burnout during studies is a common and serious issue for students who suffer from excessive pressure to achieve perfect grades, meet deadlines, and an environment where assessments live. This overwhelming pressure can cause emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion that goes much deeper than tiredness. Burnout is a state of mental, physical, and emotional depletion that makes it difficult, if not impossible in some cases, for learners to function normally in their academic and personal lives. This article will explore the causes and symptoms, how to manage and overcome student burnout, and how to help education recipients survive college and flourish.

Burns Depression/Anxiety checklists refers to pencil and paper tests where subject is asked to rate themselves on different symptoms, thoughts, and feelings. Ratings then yield score

Burrhus Frederic Skinner

It was clear from childhood that B.F. Skinner (1904-1990) had unusually broad interests. As a boy, he invented a steam cannon and pursued the Theory that Francis Bacon had written the Shakespearean plays.

Deutsch: Geschäft / Español: Negocio / Português: Negócio / Français: Business / Italiano: Business /

Business in the Psychology Context: Understanding Human Behavior in Organizational Settings

In the realm of psychology, "business" pertains to the study of human behavior and psychological principles as they relate to organizational environments, work settings, leadership, and management. This interdisciplinary field, often referred to as organizational psychology or industrial-organizational psychology, examines how individuals and groups function within businesses, how they interact with each other, and how these interactions influence productivity, job satisfaction, and overall organizational success. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the concept of "business" in psychology, provide numerous examples of its applications, offer recommendations for optimizing business-related psychological factors, discuss treatment and healing approaches in the context of business challenges, and list some related concepts within the field of psychology.

Business communication refers to the transmission of business-related information among employees, management, and customers.
Business game refers to an exercise, usually found in assessment centers, that is designed to simulate the business and marketing activities that take place in an organization.