Glossary B
Glossary B
Deutsch: Binsenweisheit / Español: Bromuro / Português: Brometo / Français: Bromure / Italiano: Bromuro
Bromide refers to 1. A tired or meaningless remark. 2. A tiresome or boring person.
Deutsch: Bronfenbrenner / Español: Bronfenbrenner / Português: Bronfenbrenner / Français: Bronfenbrenner / Italiano: Bronfenbrenner
Urie Bronfenbrenner is a renowned developmental psychologist best known for his Ecological Systems Theory. This theory emphasizes the complex interactions between a child and their environment, highlighting how these interactions influence development.
Bronfenbrenner's theory refers to ecological and systems theory of human development that proposed that developing person is embedded on a series of interacting system. This theory put low emphasis on bilogical effects, moderate empahasis on psychological and life cycle and heavy empahsis on social aspect in human development