Glossary B

Basic reflexes is a term used in Piaget's theory that refers to the first sub-stage of sensorimotor development, in which infants know the world only by their inherited action patterns.

Basic research refers to the studies that are designed to find the best answer to the question of why people behave the way they do and that are conducted purely for reasons of intellectual curiosity

Basic strengths is a term which according to Erikson is the motivating characteristics and beliefs that derive from the satisfactory resolution of the crisis at each developmental stage.

Deutsch: Grundeffekteffekt / Español: Efecto de sugerencia básica / Português: Efeito de sugestão básica / Français: Effet de suggestion de base / Italiano: Effetto di suggerimento di base /

Basic suggestion effect refers to the tendency of hypnotized persons to carry out suggested actions as if they were involuntary.

Basic weaknesses refer to motivating characteristics that derive from the unsatisfactory resolution of developmental crises.

Basic-level categories refer to categories composed of objects that are perceptually similar.

Basilar artery refers to artery formed from a joining of the two (2) vertebral arteries at the level of the brainstem.

Basilar membrane refers to a membrane that stretches the length of the cochlea and controls the vibration of the cochlear partition.