Behavioral Medicine refers to the application of principles of behavior therapy to the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of medical disorders; applies to such areas as stress prevention and reduction, pediatric and adult patient management and compliance, pain control, and life-style modification. Biofeedback, relaxation training, behavior therapy, and hypnosis are important modalities.

Behavioral Medicine is likewise an interdisciplinary field concerned with the development and integration of behavioral, psychosocial, and biomedical science knowledge and techniques relevant to the understanding of health and illness, and the application of this knowledge and these techniques to prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation.

Other definition:
Behavioral medicine refers to the interdisciplinary approach applying behavioral science to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of medical problems. It is an interdisciplinary approach to medical conditions affected by psychological factors that is rooted in learning theory.

Behavioral medicine is also known as Psychosomatic medicine.

Other definition:

Behavioral medicine refers to an interdisciplinary approach to medical conditions affected by psychological factors that is rooted in learning theory. It is an interdisciplinary field of medicine that includes psychological, sociological, and biological views on health and illness. Moreover, Behavioral medicine is an interdisciplinary field concerned with developing and integrating behavioral and biomedical sciences.

Other /More definition:
Behavioral medicine refers to an interdisciplinary field that integrates and applies behavioral and medical knowledge about health and disease.

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