Glossary C

Conjugate reinforcement procedures refer to conditioning procedures used in memory research with infants, in which children's behaviors control aspects of a visual display.

Conjunction in the Psychology Context: The Interplay of Factors in Human Behavior

In psychology, "conjunction" refers to the simultaneous presence or interaction of multiple factors, characteristics, or conditions that contribute to human behavior, cognition, and emotional experiences. Psychological research often explores how the conjunction of various influences can shape individuals' thoughts, feelings, and actions. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the concept of "conjunction" in psychology, provide numerous examples of its applications, offer recommendations for understanding and studying conjunctions, discuss treatment and healing approaches that consider conjunctions, and list some related concepts within the field of psychology.

Conjunction fallacy refers to the tendency to see an event as more likely as it becomes more specific because it is joined with elements that seem similar to events that are likely

Conjunction search means looking for a particular combination of features. Conjunction means "joining together". Conjunction search refers to a visual search task in which it is necessary to search for a combination or conjunction of two (2) or more features on the same stimulus to find the target. An example of a Conjunction search would be looking for a horizontal green line among vertical green lines and horizontal red lines.

Conjunctive cohesion refers to a form of Cohesion in which people express a relationship between sentences or phrases by using conjunctions such as "and", "or", and "but".
Conjunctive concept refers to a class of objects that have two (2) or more features in common.

Conjunctive schedule refers to a type of complex schedule in which the requirements of two (2) or more simple schedules must be met before a reinforcer is delivered.

Conjunctive task refers to a task that can be completed successfully only if all group members contribute.