Glossary C

Conscious or Consciousness refers to the portion of the mind or mental functioning that individuals are aware of, including sensations and experiences.
Conscious system is defined as the part of the mind that performs complex operations

Consciousness refers to the quality or state of being aware of something within oneself as an individual entity or personality; the state of being that includes sensation, emotion, volition, and thought

- Consciousness-raising groups (CR) : Consciousness-raising groups (CR) refers to the creation of the women’s movement, the purpose of which is for women to meet regularly to be able to discuss among themselves their lives and the problems and issues they are facing.

Consensual crime refers to any crime in which the "victim" is a willing participant (drug use, prostitution, etc.).

Consensual union refers to a relation between two (2) people without civil or religious marriage ceremonies, but is regarded as a form of marital union.
Consensus refers to a mutually acceptable agreement that integrates the interests of all concerned parties.

Consensus in attribution refers to a theory whether other people would do the same thing in the same situation