Glossary C

- Control group : control group refers to group of individuals in a study who are similar to the experimental subjects in every way but are not exposed to the treatment received by the experimental group. Their presence allows for a comparison of the differential effects of the treatment.

- Control group design : Control group design refers to a type of experiment in which, at its simplest, subjects are randomly assigned to either an experimental (or treatment ) group or a control group; subjects assigned to the experimental group are exposed to a certain manipulation or treatment, while those assigned to the control group are not.

- Control group in an experimental study : Control group in an experimental study refers to a group of subjects whose experience resembles that of the experimental group in all ways, except that they do not receive the key manipulation

Control Procedures refer to consistent procedures for giving instructions, scoring responses, and holding all other variables constant except those being systematically varied.

Control questions is a term used in a polygraph examination that refer to questions that almost always provoke anxiety.

Control strategies is defined as behavior patterns used to obtain a sense of control over how an outcome or desired goal will be achieved.

Control theory refers to cognitive theory that explains people's variance in behavior in certain domains in terms of their beliefs that they can or cannot effectively control situations in that domain.

Control variable refers to a circumstance of the experiment that the experimenter sets at a particular level and prevents from varying; a potential independent variable that is held constant in an experiment Please see Test variable.