Glossary C

C fibers refer to small-diameter nerve fibers that provide information concerning slow, diffuse, lingering pain.

C-Section also referred to as Cesarean section is the surgical removal of infant from the mother's uterus through an incision made in the mother’s abdomen.

CA is the acronym of Chronological Age that refers to person's age; what we commonly refer to as age; years of life.

Deutsch: Intrige / Español: Cabale / Português: Camarilha / Français: Cabale

Cabal is defined as a conspiratorial group of plotters or intriguers. It is also defined as a secret scheme or plot.

Cabin fever refers to a state characterized by anxiety, restlessness, and boredom, arising from a prolonged stay in a remote or confined place. Cabin fever is a type of Hysteria broug

Deutsch: Koffeinisch / Español: Cafeína / Português: Cafeína / Français: Caféine / Italiano: Caffeina /

Caffeine refers to an alkaloid found in coffee, cocoa beans, tea, kola nuts and guarana.

Also added to many fizzy drinks, energy drinks, pep pills and cold and flu remedies.

Deutsch: Koffein in Maßen / Español: Cafeína con Moderación / Português: Cafeína com Moderação / Français: Caféine avec Modération / Italiano: Caffeina con Moderazione

Caffeine in Moderation in the psychology context refers to the consumption of caffeine at levels that can enhance cognitive function and mood without leading to negative psychological or physiological effects. Caffeine, a stimulant found in coffee, tea, chocolate, and many soft drinks and energy drinks, affects the central nervous system and can influence mental processes, attention, alertness, and mood. Moderation is key, as excessive caffeine intake can lead to adverse effects, including anxiety, restlessness, and sleep disturbances.

caffeine use disorder refers to cognitive, biological, behavioral, and social problems associated with the use and abuse of caffeine.