Glossary C

Covenant marriage is defined as a marriage that is preceded by premarital counseling and has strict rules about divorce.
Cover letter refers to a letter that accompanies a Résumé or job application.
Cover story refers to a description of the purpose of a study, given to participants, that is different from its true purpose; cover stories are used to maintain psychological realism
Covert behavior refers to behavior that can be subjectively perceived only by the person performing the behavior; behavior that others cannot directly perceive, such as thinking or feeling.

Covert conditioning refers to a behavioral intervention in which the therapist instructs the client to imagine a highly negative experience when engaging in an undesirable behavior.

Covert homosexual refers to a homosexual who is who keeps his or her sexual orientation a secret, who is not yet out in the open.

Covert modeling it is when the client imagines a model, the therapist describes the activities of the model which the client follows in her imagination.

Covert observation means watching and recording group behavior without the participant's knowledge