Glossary C
Glossary C
Category-specific dissociations is a term used in Aphasia that refers to the selective inability to retrieve certain categories of words, such as fruits or vegetables, while retaining the ability to recognize and use other word categories.
Deutsch: Versorgen / Español: Atender / Português: Atender / Français: Répondre aux besoins / Italiano: Soddisfare
Cater in the psychology context refers to the process of addressing or meeting the specific needs, desires, or conditions of individuals or groups in a way that supports their mental and emotional well-being. This concept is important in various psychological approaches and therapies where understanding and responding to the unique requirements of clients is fundamental to promoting psychological health and facilitating personal growth.
Catharsis refers to a sudden emotional breakdown, emotional release or climax that constitutes overwhelming feelings of great pity, sorrow, laughter, or any extreme change in emotion that results in the renewal, restoration and revitalization for living.