Glossary C
Glossary C
Cultural Intelligence (CQ) refers to humans capability to grow personally through continuous learning and good understanding of diverse cultural heritage, wisdom and values, and to deal effectively with people from different cultural background and understanding.
Cultural intervention means understanding the client’s culture and helping him/her make use of interventions that may include the use of lawyers, social agencies, families, or taking action in some way.
Cultural learning refers to the transmission of acquired information and behavior both within and across generations with a high degree of fidelity. The theory of Tomasello and colleagues proposes three (3) stage-like levels of Cultural learning, with each more advanced form being based on a more sophisticated type of perspective taking: 1. imitative learning 2. instructed learning 3. collaborative learning
Cultural pluralism is defined as mutual appreciation and understanding of various cultures in society; cooperation of diverse groups; co-existence of different languages, religious beliefs, and lifestyles ; autonomy for each group to work out its own social purposes and future without interfering with the rights of other groups.