Glossary C
Glossary C
In the field of psychology, Custer refers to a colloquial term used to describe a specific psychological phenomenon known as "catastrophic thinking." This term is often used to depict an individual's inclination to anticipate the worst possible outcome in various situations, leading to heightened anxiety, fear, and a sense of impending doom. Catastrophic thinking, or experiencing a "Custer mindset," can have significant implications for one's mental well-being and overall quality of life.
Cut score refers to a predetermined score used to differentiate levels of pupil performance which is given usually in statewide assessment.
Cuteness in the context of psychology refers to a powerful emotional and aesthetic response that individuals often experience when encountering something endearing, charming, or visually pleasing. This response is characterized by feelings of affection, tenderness, and an inclination to protect or care for the object or being perceived as cute. Cuteness can have a significant impact on human behavior and emotions, influencing various aspects of our lives. In this article, we will explore the concept of cuteness in psychology, provide examples, discuss risks and application areas, offer recommendations, briefly touch on historical and legal aspects, and conclude with a list of similar psychological phenomena.
Cutoff points is a term used in the context of conformity-oriented definitions of abnormal behavior, that refer to the numerical values on a test or inventory that differentiate normal from abnormal performance.
Deutsch: Abgeschnittener reflektierter Misserfolg / Español: Fracaso reflejado cortado / Português: Fracasso refletido cortado / Français: Échec réfléchi coupé / Italiano: Fallimento riflesso interrotto /
Cutting off reflected failure (CORFing) refers to distancing of oneself from a group that performs poorly.
- Cutting off reflected failure (CORFing) : Cutting off reflected Failure (CORFing) refers to distancing of oneself from a Group that performs poorly.