Glossary C

Causal theories refer to the theories about the causes of one's own feelings and behaviors; often we learn such theories from our culture (e.g., "absence makes the heart grow fonder")

Causality refers to the relation between a cause and an effect. It is understanding the events or conditions that do or can bring about the death of a living thing

Causation is the act of causing some effect.

Deutsch: Ursache / Español: Causa / Português: Causa / Français: Cause / Italiano: Causa /

Cause is a term used when people infer a cause from experimental results when they see an effect produced by the varied factor

In the psychology context, "cause and effect" refers to the principle that behaviors or events (effects) have underlying causes that lead to their occurrence. This concept is fundamental in understanding human behavior and mental processes, as it seeks to identify the reasons behind actions, thoughts, and emotions.

Cause-and-effect relationship refers to the result of a well-controlled experiment about which the researcher can confidently state that the Independent variable caused the change in

Causes refer to agents or forces that produce an effect or a result. Causes are one aspect of motivation. (see Reasons, Motivation.)

Causing Anxiety: These things can cause anxiety