Glossary C

Charter school refers to a kind of school formed by a Group of parents, teachers, or other community members with a shared educational philosophy, that is authorized and funded by a p

Chastity refers to the quality of being sexually pure, either through abstaining from intercourse or by adhering to strict

Deutsch: Schwätzer / Español: Parlanchín / Português: Tagarela / Français: Bavard / Italiano: Chiacchierone /

A "chatterbox" is a colloquial term often used to describe individuals who engage in excessive and often uncontrollable talking. In the psychology context, a chatterbox exhibits behaviors that go beyond mere chattiness, potentially indicating underlying psychological or behavioral issues. This article explores the concept of a chatterbox, its psychological implications, potential risks, coping strategies, and treatment options.

Deutsch: Schwatzhaftes Syndrom / Español: Síndrome del parlanchín / Português: Síndrome do tagarela / Français: Syndrome du bavardage / Italiano: Sindrome del chiacchierone /

Chatterbox syndrome refers to a disorder characterized by severe mental retardation but remarkable linguistic abilities.

- CHD (Coronary Heart Disease) : CHD is the acronym of Coronary Heart Disease which is a general term ehich refers to illnesses caused by Atherosclerosis, which is the narrowing of the coronary arteries, the vessels that supply the heart with blood. Moreover, it is a chronic disease characterized by a reduction in blood flow from the coronary arteries, which supply the heart with blood. It is the blockage of the arteries supplying blood to the heart muscle; a major cause of death in Western culture, with social and psychological factors involved.

Check forging refers to the criminal Offense of making or altering a check with intent to defraud.

Checklist refers to a written list of performance criteria associated with a particular activity or product on which an observer marks the pupil's performance on each criterion using

Chemical name is the name given to a drug that represents its chemical structure.