Glossary C

Charisma refers to a term derived by Max Weber from the Greek xarisma which means "a divine gift of grace". Charisma is the ascription of extraordinary or supernatural acumen, ability

Charismatic leader refers to an inspirational leader who is widely admired, respected, or loved by his or her followers.

- Charles Bell (1774-1842) : Charles Bell who discovered, in modern times, the distinction between sensory and motor nerves.

Charles Darwin (1809-1882) devised a Theory of Evolution that emphasized a struggle for survival that results in the natural selection of the most fit organisms.

Charter school refers to a kind of school formed by a Group of parents, teachers, or other community members with a shared educational philosophy, that is authorized and funded by a p

Chastity refers to the quality of being sexually pure, either through abstaining from intercourse or by adhering to strict

Deutsch: Geplapper / Español: Charla / Português: Conversa Fiada / Français: Bavardage / Italiano: Chiacchiericcio

Chatter in the psychology context refers to the persistent, often unproductive internal dialogue or mental noise that occupies a person's mind. It can involve repetitive thoughts, worries, or self-talk that can distract or overwhelm an individual. In particular, chatter is frequently associated with negative thinking patterns, anxiety, and overthinking, which can interfere with focus, emotional well-being, and mental clarity.

Deutsch: Schwätzer / Español: Parlanchín / Português: Tagarela / Français: Bavard / Italiano: Chiacchierone /

A "chatterbox" is a colloquial term often used to describe individuals who engage in excessive and often uncontrollable talking. In the psychology context, a chatterbox exhibits behaviors that go beyond mere chattiness, potentially indicating underlying psychological or behavioral issues. This article explores the concept of a chatterbox, its psychological implications, potential risks, coping strategies, and treatment options.