Glossary C
Glossary C
Deutsch: Geplapper / Español: Charla / Português: Conversa Fiada / Français: Bavardage / Italiano: Chiacchiericcio
Chatter in the psychology context refers to the persistent, often unproductive internal dialogue or mental noise that occupies a person's mind. It can involve repetitive thoughts, worries, or self-talk that can distract or overwhelm an individual. In particular, chatter is frequently associated with negative thinking patterns, anxiety, and overthinking, which can interfere with focus, emotional well-being, and mental clarity.
Deutsch: Schwätzer / Español: Parlanchín / Português: Tagarela / Français: Bavard / Italiano: Chiacchierone /
A "chatterbox" is a colloquial term often used to describe individuals who engage in excessive and often uncontrollable talking. In the psychology context, a chatterbox exhibits behaviors that go beyond mere chattiness, potentially indicating underlying psychological or behavioral issues. This article explores the concept of a chatterbox, its psychological implications, potential risks, coping strategies, and treatment options.