Glossary C

Child-directed Speech refers to the short, simple sentences used by mothers and other adults when talking to young children.

Deutsch: Kindheit

In the context of psychology, the term "childhood" refers to the developmental stage that occurs between infancy and adolescence. Childhood is a time of significant physical, cognitive, and social growth and development, and is marked by a wide range of developmental milestones and changes.

Childhood amnesia refers to the inability of adults to remember the first few years of his/her life. Childhood amnesia is also called Infantile amnesia.

Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD) refers to a disorder which is marked regression in multiple areas of functioning following a period of at least two years of apparently normal development.

- Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD) : Childhood Disintegrative Disorder refers to a disorder which is marked regression in multiple areas of functioning following a period of at least two years of apparently normal developmen

childhood disintegrative disorder (CDD) refers to a pervasive developmental disorder characterized by a significant loss of previously acquired skills, as well as the presence of abnormalities in two (2) of the following 3 areas of functioning: social interaction, communication, and patterns of behavior, interests, and activities.
childhood obesity is a chronic medical condition characterized by an excessive accumulation of body fat relative to gender - and age-based norms.