Glossary C

- Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD) : Childhood Disintegrative Disorder refers to a disorder which is marked regression in multiple areas of functioning following a period of at least two years of apparently normal developmen

childhood disintegrative disorder (CDD) refers to a pervasive developmental disorder characterized by a significant loss of previously acquired skills, as well as the presence of abnormalities in two (2) of the following 3 areas of functioning: social interaction, communication, and patterns of behavior, interests, and activities.
childhood obesity is a chronic medical condition characterized by an excessive accumulation of body fat relative to gender - and age-based norms.

Deutsch: Kindheitstrauma / Español: Trauma Infantil / Português: Trauma Infantil / Français: Traumatisme Infantile / Italiano: Trauma Infantile

Childhood Trauma in the context of psychology refers to the experience of an intensely distressing or disturbing event or series of events during childhood, which overwhelms the child's ability to cope and leaves lasting psychological impacts. This trauma can result from various sources, including abuse (physical, emotional, or sexual), neglect, witnessing violence, loss of a loved one, natural disasters, or any situation that severely threatens the child's sense of safety and security.

childhood-onset conduct disorder refers to a specific type of conduct disorder whereby the child displays at least one characteristic of the disorder prior to 10 years of age.

Chinese room refers to a thought experiment developed by Searle that supposedly shows that artificial intelligence is impossible

Chlamydia refers to a bacterial STI ; although often asymptomatic, it is thought to be one of the most damaging of all the STIs. (see STI) Chlamydia is also defined as an organism causing a sexually transmitted disease ; the symptoms in males are a thin, clear discharge and mild pain or urination; females are frequently asymptomatic.

Chlorpromazine (Thorazine) refers to first drug found to relieve the positive symptoms of Schizophrenia