Glossary C

Chronemics refers to the study of the use of time in communication, to wit:

Chronic means longterm; long period of time. Chronic is an important term in medicine that comes from the Greek "chronos" (time) and means lasting a long time. By the definition of the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, a chronic condition is one lasting three (3) months or more.

Chronic accessibility refers to the degree to which schemas are easily activated for an individual across time and situations
Chronic care are services for individuals who need rehabilitation or who cannot perform activities of daily living because of Chronic pain, illnesses/diseases.
Chronic conditions are conditions having a gradual onset and long duration of time or long term

Chronic diseases are diseases that develop or persist over a long period of time. They are conditions that last a longer period of time, at least 3 months and more and may be accompanied by residual functional impairment that necessitates long-term management.

- Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) : - Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) : chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) refers to incapacitating exhaustion following only minimal exertion, accompanied by fever, headaches, muscle and joint pain, depression, and anxiety.

Chronic Grief refers to continuance of acute grief reactions over time.