Glossary C

CMA is the abbreviations of Cingulate motor area refer to structures of the secondary motor cortex involved in higher order voluntary movement. CMA is also called Cingulate motor cortex.

- CMHC (Community mental health center) : CMHC which is the acronym of Community mental health center refers to an outpatient clinic that provides psychological services on a sliding fee scale to serve individuals who live within a certain geographic area.

co-actors refer to co-participants working individually on a noncompetitive activity.

Co-morbidity refers to the state of having two or more disorders at one time.

Co-rumination refer to conversations about one’s personal problems which is common among adolescent girls

Co-sleeping refers to children sleeping in the same bed as their parents.

Co-therapy is a term used that occurs when two (2) or more clinicians/therapists work directly together. Common examples of Co-Theraphy include group, couples, or family therapy conducted by a pair of therapists/clinicians.

Englisch: Professional Role
Coach refers to the organizational leader of a specific sports team.