Glossary C

- Coefficient of correlation (r) : Coefficient of correlation (r) is a mathematical expression indicating the magnitude of correlation between two (2) variables. It is a statistical index ranging from 1.00 to 1.00 that indicates the direction and degree of correlation.

Coefficient of determination, r2 refers to the squared value of a correlation that measures the percentage of variability in one variable that is determined or predicted by its relationship with the other variable. Moreover, Coefficient of determination, r2 is the correlation coefficient squared which gives an estimate of the percentage of variation in Y that is known as a function of knowing X (and vice versa); a statistic computed by squaring the correlation coefficient that specifies the proportion of variation explained.

Coefficient of friction is the ratio between the force needed to overcome friction over the force holding the surfaces together.

Coercion means being forced to change beliefs or behavior against the will.
coercion theory refers to a developmental theory proposing that coercive parent-child interactions serve as the training ground for the development of antisocial behavior. Specifically, it is proposed that through a four-step escape-conditioning sequence, the child learns how to use increasingly intense forms of noxious behavior to escape and avoid unwanted parental demands.

Coercive cycle refers to a pattern of Behavior in which Aggressive behaviour by one person within a family, example, a mother produces an Aggressive response, and so on.

Coercive escalation refers to a style of interaction in which the probability that a negative remark will be followed by another negative remark increases as the chain of communication gets longer and longer.

Coercive home environment is a home in which family members usually annoy one another and use aggressive or otherwise antisocial tactics as a method of coping with these aversive experiences