Glossary C

Cluster C refer to Personality Disorders listed in DSM-IV involving Anxiety and fearfulness. Included in Cluster C Personality Disorders are:

Cluster grapevine is a pattern of grapevine communication in which a message is passed to a select group of people who each in turn pass the message to a few select others.

Cluster headache refers to a type of severe headache that occurs in daily clusters for 4 to 16 weeks.

Cluster sampling refers to a probability sampling technique involving random selection of groups instead of individuals from a population. It is a multistage sampling in which natural groups (clusters) are sampled initially, with the members of each selected group being subsampled afterward.

Deutsch: Clustering / Español: Agrupamiento / Português: Agrupamento / Français: Regroupement / Italian: Raggruppamento

Clustering in psychology refers to a cognitive phenomenon where individuals group similar pieces of information together to improve memory recall and organization. This process allows the brain to handle and retrieve information more efficiently by categorizing related items.

Deutsch: Unordnung / Español: Desorden / Português: Desordem / Français: Désordre / Italian: Disordine

Clutter refers to the accumulation of items that are disorganized and take up space, often leading to a chaotic environment. In the context of psychology, clutter can significantly impact mental health and well-being, contributing to stress, anxiety, and decreased productivity. It encompasses both physical and mental aspects, where physical clutter refers to the disorganization of physical space and mental clutter involves a disorganized mind filled with excessive thoughts and distractions.

CMA is the abbreviations of Cingulate motor area refer to structures of the secondary motor cortex involved in higher order voluntary movement. CMA is also called Cingulate motor cortex.

- CMHC (Community mental health center) : CMHC which is the acronym of Community mental health center refers to an outpatient clinic that provides psychological services on a sliding fee scale to serve individuals who live within a certain geographic area.