Glossary C

Chronic grief reactions refer to one of the four (4) types of Complicated grief reactions identified by Worden (2002) which are prolonged in duration and do not lead to an appropriate outcome, as when individuals become aware that they are not making progress ingetting back into living again.

Chronic illness refers to a type of illness that is long lasting, permanent or long-term and often irreversible; illnesses that persist over long periods of time, such as diabetes or arthritis that often results in some type of disability and which may require a person to seek help with various activities.

Chronic illnesses refer to illnesses that are long lasting and often irreversible.

- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) : - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD ) : Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD refers to a disease of the lung that affects breathing. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is the most common form of incapacitating respiratory disease among older adults.

chronic pain refers to enduring pain that does not decrease over time which may occur in muscles, joints, and the lower back and may be caused by enlarged blood vessels or degenerating or cancerous tissue. Other significant factors are social and psychological.

Chronic persistence trajectory refers to growth curve of children who are highly aggressive early in life and who display the same high or escalating levels of aggression throughout childhood and adolescence

Chronic progressive pain refers to pain that persists longer than six (6) months and increases in severity over time. It is typically associated with malignancies or degenerative disorders, like Skeletal metastatic disease or Rheumatoid arthritis.
Chronic recurrent pain refers to alternating episodes of intense pain and no pain.