Deutsch: Kriminaloiden / Español: Criminaloides / Português: Criminaloides / Français: Criminaloïdes / Italiano: Criminaloidi /

Criminaloids refers to a term used by Cesare Lombroso to describe occasional criminals who were pulled into criminality primarily by environmental influences.

They are individuals who have engaged in criminal behavior, but who may not have a long-term pattern of criminal activity. These individuals may have been influenced by factors in their environment, such as a lack of economic opportunity, exposure to criminal peers, or other negative social influences. They may have been drawn into criminal behavior as a result of these environmental factors, but may not necessarily have a strong inclination towards criminal activity. Occasional criminals may be more likely to be motivated by immediate needs or incentives, rather than a long-term commitment to criminal activity.

Examples of criminaloids might include individuals who engage in criminal behavior due to poverty, lack of educational and job opportunities, exposure to violence and crime, and social marginalization. These individuals may not have a genetic predisposition to criminal behavior, but rather turn to crime as a means of survival or as a response to their circumstances.

Criminaloids are similar to other concepts in criminology and psychology, such as situational offenders, who commit crimes due to specific situational factors such as opportunity or peer pressure, and marginal offenders, who engage in criminal behavior due to social and economic marginalization.

Other similar concepts include:

  1. Recidivism: Refers to the tendency of a person to reoffend or relapse into criminal behavior, often due to a combination of biological, social, and environmental factors.

  2. Social disorganization theory: This theory suggests that high crime rates in certain areas are due to a breakdown in social order and the absence of effective social control mechanisms, such as strong community networks and effective policing.

  3. Strain theory: This theory posits that individuals engage in criminal behavior as a response to the strain caused by social and economic inequality, such as poverty, lack of opportunities, and discrimination.

  4. Differential association theory: This theory suggests that individuals learn criminal behavior through association with others who engage in criminal activity, particularly those in their social networks such as family, friends, and peers.

In conclusion, criminaloids refer to individuals who engage in criminal behavior primarily due to environmental influences, rather than genetic predisposition. Understanding the complex interplay of social, environmental, and biological factors that contribute to criminal behavior is crucial for effective prevention and intervention strategies.

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