Deutsch: Corey's Modell der ethischen Entscheidungsfindung / Español: Modelo de toma de decisiones éticas de Corey / Português: Modelo de tomada de decisão ética de Corey / Français: Modèle de prise de décision éthique de Corey / Italiano: Modello di decisione etica di Corey /

Corey’s model of ethical decision-making refers to a seven (7) step ethical decision-making model which include: 1. identifying the problem;. 2. identifying the potential issues involved;. 3. reviewing the relevant ethical guidelines;. 4. obtaining consultation ;. 5. considering possible and probable courses of action ;. 6. enumerating the consequences of various decisions ; and 7. deciding on the best course of action.

Corey's model of ethical decision-making is a framework developed by psychotherapist Gerald Corey for resolving ethical dilemmas in the field of psychology. The model is designed to help psychologists navigate complex ethical issues by providing a structured process for ethical decision-making.

The model consists of four main steps:

  1. Identify the problem: The first step involves identifying the ethical issue at hand, including all relevant facts and potential implications for all parties involved. This step requires careful consideration of relevant ethical codes, laws, and professional standards.

  2. Apply ethical principles: The second step involves applying relevant ethical principles to the problem at hand. This step requires a thorough understanding of the various ethical principles and values that guide the practice of psychology, such as respect for autonomy, beneficence, and non-maleficence.

  3. Evaluate alternatives: The third step involves generating and evaluating alternative courses of action. This step requires considering the potential benefits and drawbacks of each alternative, as well as the potential consequences for all parties involved.

  4. Take action: The final step involves selecting the best course of action and implementing it in a responsible and ethical manner. This step may involve consulting with colleagues or supervisors, documenting the decision-making process, and considering the potential impact of the decision on all parties involved.

Examples of ethical dilemmas that might be addressed using Corey's model include:

By following the steps of Corey's model, psychologists can work to make ethical decisions that are grounded in professional standards and values, and that take into account the potential impact of their actions on all parties involved. This can help to promote trust, respect, and integrity in the field of psychology, and to ensure that clients and research participants receive ethical and responsible care.

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