Glossary D

Deductive thought refers to thought that applies a general set of rules to specific situations, as in the use of the Laws of gravity to predict the behavior of a single falling object.

Deductive validity refers to a property of some logical arguments such that it is impossible for the premises to be true and the conclusion(s) to be false. It also means logical soundness.

Deep sleep refers to 3rd and 4th stages of NREM sleep during which delta waves are produced.

A Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) delivers a constant low electrical stimulation to a small region of the brain, through implanted electrodes connected to an implanted battery. It is used to partially restore normal movements in Parkinson's disease, essential tremor, and dystonia.

Deep dyslexia refers to a reading disorder characterized by an impaired ability to sound out words, while wholeword skills are unimpaired.

Deep lesioning is defined as the removal of tissue within the brain by use of an electrode.

Deep Processing refers to a a process that can help retrieve information from long-term memory

Deep sleep refers to the Stage 4 - slow-wave sleep; the deepest form of normal sleep.