Glossary D

Degenerative diseases is defined as diseases not due to infection that result in a progressive decline in some bodily function ; diseases that typically result from long-term wearing out of body organs, typically associated with aging, lifestyle, and environment. Moreover, Degenerative diseases is a group of disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and Huntington's chorea which resulted from the degeneration of neurons in the central nervous system. These disorders are characterized by progressive cerebral degeneration and disturbance in several behaviors or functions.

Degradation is defined as a process in which a receiving neuron releases an enzyme into the synapse, breaking down neurotransmitters into other biochemicals

Degrading pornography refers to sexually explicit material that debases or dehumanizes people, often the women

Degree centrality refers to the number of ties between group members. The group’s Degree centrality is the average of the direct connections among group members.

Degree of suffering is defined as the amount or intensity of pain and other symptoms which include shortness of breath, inability to eat, and limited mobility, that a person experiences at the end of life.

Dehumanization refers to the act of seeing victims as nonhumans. Dehumanization lowers inhibitions against aggressive actions and makes continued aggression easier and more likely

Deindividuation refers to loss of self -awareness and evaluation apprehension; occurs in group situations that foster responsiveness to group norms, good or bad..

Deinstitutionalisation refers to a policy that calls for the provision of supportive care and treatment for socially and medically dependent individuals in the community rather than in an institutional setting.