Glossary D
Glossary D
Deficiency motive refers to a need that is reduced when the object of the need is attained.
Deficit (Deficiency) needs means the lower needs; failure to satisfy them produces a deficiency in the body.
Deficit measurement refers to an approach to Neuropsychological assessment for understanding general conditions and disease states about a patient by examining scores that are impaired and comparing them with other factors known about the patient.
Deutsch: Definition / Español: Definición / Português: Definição / Français: Dêfinition / Italiano: Definizione
Definition means all the details about an event. In psychology, a definition is a statement that explains the meaning of a term or concept. Definitions are often used to clarify the meaning of technical or specialized terms, or to provide a standard understanding of a concept that is used in research or theory.
Definition of death refers to a statement of the conditions under which an individual is understood to be dead
Deflection is when individuals avoid meaningful contact by being indirect or vague rather than being direct.