Glossary D

Deutsch: Datenanalyse / Español: Análisis de datos / Português: Análise de dados / Français: Analyse de données / Italiano: Analisi dei dati

Data Analysis in psychology involves the systematic application of statistical and logical techniques to describe, condense, and evaluate data. It encompasses a variety of methods for processing and interpreting the information collected through psychological research, experiments, surveys, or observational studies, aiming to uncover patterns, relationships, and insights relevant to psychological theories and practices.

Data confidentiality refers to an ethical requirement of social scientific research which stipulates that research data not be shared outside of the research environment.

Data encryption refers to the process by which information is encoded, making it unreadable to all but its intended recipients.

Data-based processing refers to processing in which a person constructs a perception by analyzing the information falling on the receptors. Data-based processing is also called Bottom-up processing

Data-driven processes please see Bottom-up processes.

Database is defined as a computerized cross-referencing tool that focuses on an individual topic area, such as Psychology, Sociolohy, etc. which is used for searching the literature for articles relevant to a topic.
Date (Acquaintance) rape when someone is forced to have sexual intercourse with someone she or he knows