Glossary D

Depressive Realism refers to the tendency of mildly depressed people to make accurate rather than self -serving biases judgments, attributions and predictions.

Depressive schema refers to a cognitive structure that allows people to readily make negative associations.

Depressive syndrome is a term that refers to a constellation of behaviors and emotions that occur together. The syndrome often includes complaints about feeling depressed, anxious, fearful, worried, guilty, and worthless.
Depressogenic cognitions refer to the negative perceptual and attributional styles and beliefs associated with depressive s

Deprivation refers to the frequency with which a person has received a particular reinforcer in the recent past. The less frequent the reinforcer, the more deprived the person.

Deprivation dwarfism refers to a childhood growth disorder that is triggered by emotional deprivation and characterized by decreased production of GH, slow growth, and small stature.

Deprivation homosexuality refers to a typeof homosexuality and homosexual activity that occurs in certain situations, like in prisons, when inmates are deprived of their regular heterosexual activity.

Depth is defined as the distance from a surface, often using your own body as a reference surface when speaking in terms of depth perception.