Glossary D

Dereflection refers to a technique in which clients focus away from their problems instead of on them to reduce anxiety. Dereflection is also spelled De-reflection.

Derivation refers to the series of linguistic rules needed to generate a sentence.

Derivation sample refers to a group of employees who were used in creating the initial weights for a biodata instrument.

Derivational morphemes is defined as a bound morpheme that is added to a free morpheme to create a new word. For example, adding " -ness" into a word good turns good, which is an adjective, into goodness, a noun.

Derivational morphology refers to the process that creates new words by adding certain suffixes or prefixes (Derivational morphemes ) to existing words, as in as perform + er = performer; good + ness = goodness.

Derivational theory of complexity refers to the theory which states that the psychological complexity of a sentence is directly proportional to the length of its derivation.

Dermatome refers to an area of skin connected to a particular spinal nerve.

Dermis is defined as the inner layer of skin that contains nerve endings and receptors.