Glossary D
Glossary D
Deutsch: Tagträumen / Español: Soñar despierto / Português: Devaneio / Français: Rêverie / Italian: Sogno ad occhi aperti
Daydreaming in the psychology context refers to a spontaneous and involuntary shift in attention from external stimuli to internal thoughts, fantasies, and imagined scenarios. It involves a temporary detachment from the immediate environment, allowing the mind to wander and engage in mental simulations or fantasies.
DBI is the abbreviations of Diazepam-binding inhibitor, a brain protein that blocks the behavioral effects of Diazepam and other Benzodiazepines.
DD is the abbreviations of Dysthymic disorder, a form of depressive disorder characterized by at least 1 year (2 years in adults) of Depressed mood for more days than not, accompanie
DDH is the abbreviations of Ddevelopmental dysplasia of the hip which is a condition of the hip joint that is congenital in nature. (see Developmental dysplasia of the hip)
De-escalation means toning down the intensity of the conflict or dispute so that a solution becomes more likely.
Dead-enders are employees who receive much grapevine information but who seldom pass it on to others.