Glossary D

Differentiation (of neurons) refers to the final stage of neuronal development, in which neurons gain in size, produce more dendrites, and extend their axons farther away from the cell body.

Differentiation process is defined as a phase of pre-natal central nervous system development that commences when migrating neural cells reach their predetermined destinations within the brain. The neural cells develop the unique characteristics of the cells specific to that brain region, as they reach their destination

Difficult temperament is defined as the temperamental profile in which the child is irregular in daily routines and adapts slowly to new experiences, usually responding negatively and intensely.

Difficulty index Indicates refers to the proportion or percentage of pupils who answered a test item correctly.
Diffidence is the the inability to act, due to overwhelming self -doubt.
Diffuse status characteristic is a term in Status characteristics theory, general personal qualities such as age, race, and ethnicity that people consider when estimating the relative competency, ability, and social value of themselves and others.

Diffusibility means that a more diffusible substance is more easily entered into or "receptive" of another

Diffusion refers to a threat to internal validity that occurs when a treatment effect spreads from the treatment group to the control group, often from participants talking to each other. Diffusion is also defined as the random movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.