Glossary D

Discourse refers to any written or spoken form of communication more than a sentence, e.g., narratives.

Deutsch: Entdecker / Español: Descubridor / Português: Descobridor / Français: Découvreur / Italiano: Scopritore

In the psychology context, Discoverer refers not to a specific term but to a concept or role that individuals might adopt or exhibit during the process of exploration, learning, and self-discovery. It embodies the innate human drive to seek out new knowledge, understandings, or insights, whether about the external world or one's internal psychological landscape. This drive is fundamental to various psychological theories and practices, highlighting the importance of curiosity, exploration, and the discovery process in personal growth and development.

Discovery is defined as the pre-trial procedure whereby opposing sides supply information to each other.

Discovery learning refer to instruction based on encouraging students to discover or construct knowledge for themselves; learning based on insight and understanding. Discovery learning is also defined as the acquisition of new information or knowledge largely because of the learner’s own efforts. Discovery learning is often associated with Bruner and is contrasted with Reception learning. (see Reception learning.)

Discrediting information refers to
information which is inconsistent with the managed impressions being communicated in a given

Deutsch: Diskrepanz / Español: Discrepancia / Português: Discrepância / Français: Discrepance / Italiano: Discrepanza

Discrepancy in the psychology context refers to a difference or inconsistency between two or more elements, such as behaviors, thoughts, feelings, or expectations. Understanding discrepancies is crucial for various psychological theories and practices, as they often influence motivation, self-perception, and behavior.

Discrepancy in desire is defined as differences in levels of sexual desire in a couple.

Discrepancy of sexual desire refers to a sexual disorder in which the partners have considerably different levels of sexual desire.