Glossary D

Displaced aggression means redirecting aggression to a target other than the actual source of one's frustration. It means harm-doing that is directed at someone or something that was not the actual source of frustration. It also means attacking a different or innocent target rather than the original source of anger

Displaced homemakers refers to women in middle adulthood who enter the labor market for the first time. Many of these women enter the job market as a consequence of divorce or early widowhood, face extreme economic pressures, and must compete with much younger workers for entry-level positions.

Displaced workers is defined as persons who are unemployed because their jobs have disappeared.

Deutsch: Verdrängung / Español: Desplazamiento / Português: Deslocamento / Français: Déplacement / Italiano: Spostamento /

Displacement refers to the phenomenon of redirecting one's anger or frustration towards individuals other than the ones who are the source of anger

Other /More definition:
Displacement refers to the fact that what one speaks about need not be limited to the immediate context.

Displacement activity refers to an apparently irrelevant activity sometimes displayed by animals when confronted by Conflict or thwarted from attaining a goal.

Displacement theory refers to Miller’s belief that there are a limited number of "slots” in short-term memory (7, plus or minus 2), and that incoming information displaces older information.

Display rule refers to culturally determined rules about which nonverbal behaviors are appropriate to display

Display rules refer to culturally determined rules about which non-verbal behaviors are appropriate to display. Display rules are norms that govern the appropriate display of emotions; the