Glossary D

Divergent validity is defined as a type of validity demonstrated by using two (2) different methods to measure two (2) different constructs. Then convergent validity must be shown for each of the two (2) constructs. Finally, there should be little or no relationship between the scores obtained for the two (2) different constructs when they are measured by the same method.

Diversity or workplace diversity refers to the valuing, and effective management of the ethnic, socio-economic, and gender variety or diversity within an organization?s workforce and amon

Divided attention means allotting mental space or effort to various tasks or parts of a task. The ways in which a cognitive processor allocates cognitive resources to two (2) or more tasks that are carried out simultaneously. Divided attention is the ability to pay attention and successfully perform more than one task at a time.

Divided conditions refer to the ranges of the last three (3) points of two (2) conditions are mutually exclusive.

Divisible task refers to a task that can be broken down into subcomponents which can then be assigned to individuals or to subgroups within the group

Division 38 refers to the Division of Health Psychology of the American Psychological Association (APA) that recently celebrated 25 years of existence.
Division of labor refers to the situation in which each person performs one narrow, highly specialized job in the culture ; splitting the activities needed to accomplish a task between participants.