Glossary D

Deutsch: Dominanz / Español: Dominancia / Português: Dominância / Français: Dominance / Italiano: Dominanza /

Dominance refers to hand and to a lesser extent, eye and foot preferences and proficiencies in performing tasks or to the cerebral organization of the brain.

Dominance and submission refers to the use of power consensually given to control the sexual stimulation and behavior of the other person.
Dominance hierarchy means ordering of individuals within a group in which group members with lower status defer to those with greater status
Dominant that which describes the active role in sado-masochistic sexuality.

Dominant allele refers to a relatively powerful gene that is expressed phenotypically and masks the effect of a less powerful gene.

Dominant gene is defined as a gene whose influence will be expressed each time the gene is present; gene that shows a strong effect in either the homozygous or heterozygous condition

Dominant hemisphere is a term usually applied to the side of a person's brain that produces language.
Dominant language switch hypothesis refers to the hypothesis that children tend to learn a second language more completely than adults do because children, more than adults, tend to switch to the second language as their dominant language and use it more.