Glossary D
Glossary D
Donnybrook is defined as a brawl, a free-for-all.
Donnybrook is after a suburb in Dublin, Ireland where an annual fair called Donnybrook Fair was held until 1855. This Donnybrook Fair was known for its alcohol-fueled brawls.
Donor card is defined as a document whereby individuals can indicate their willingness to donate organs and/or tissues in the event of their deaths; in some American States these cards are printed on the reverse side of automobile driver's licenses
Donor IVF refers to the transfer of a donor's ovum, fertilized in a laboratory dish, to the uterus of another woman.
Deutsch: Tür / Español: Puerta / Português: Porta / Français: Porte / Italiano: Porta
Door in psychology is a metaphor often used to represent barriers, opportunities, and transitions. It can symbolize the threshold between different states of mind, experiences, or stages in life. Psychologists might use the concept of a "door" to help patients understand personal boundaries, opportunities for change, or the process of moving from one mental state to another.
Door-in-the-face technique refers to the method for achieving compliance in which a certain request is preceded by a much larger one.