Glossary D

Deserted island technique refers to a fantasy experience in which clients are asked what the therapist would learn if he or she were alone with the client on a deserted island. It is designed to help the therapist learn more about the client's seven modalities.

- Desiderius Erasmus (1466-1536) : Desiderius Erasmus refers to a Renaissance Humanist who opposed Fanaticism, religious ritual, and superstition. Erasmus argued in favor of human free will.

Deutsch: Gestaltung / Español: Diseño / Português: Design / Français: Conception / Italiano: Progettazione /

Design is defined as the framework of an experiment - the independent, dependent, subject, and control variables.

Design stage refers to a stage in drawing in which children begin to combine shapes.

Designer drug refers to new substances designed by slightly altering the chemical makeup of other illegal or tightly controlled drugs.

Deutsch: Verlangen / Español: Deseo / Português: Desejo / Français: Désir / Italiano: Desiderio /

Desire refers to expectation of reaching a certain situation.

Deutsch: Wunschmotivation / Español: Motivación por Deseo / Português: Motivação por Desejo / Français: Motivation par Désir / Italian: Motivazione del Desiderio

Desire motivation in the psychology context refers to the driving force behind an individual's actions that is fueled by the longing or craving to achieve a specific goal or fulfill a particular need. This type of motivation is deeply rooted in the emotional and psychological satisfaction that comes from obtaining something that a person strongly wishes for, whether it be material, social, or psychological.

Desire theory refers to an early theory of mind in which a person’s actions are thought to be a reflection of her desires rather than other mental states such as beliefs