Glossary D

Dynamic social impact theory refers to Bibb Latané’s extension of Social impact theory, which assumes that influence is a function of the strength, the immediacy, and the number of sources present, and that this influence results in consolidation, clustering, correlation, and continuing diversity in groups that are spatially distributed and interacting repeatedly over time.

Dynamic stretching is defined as stretching that involves controlled movement.

Dynamic systems refer to the systems in motion. Most dynamic systems, and all living systems, are open. Our body, for example, is an open system. It also addresses dynamic systems. There a

Dynamic systems theory refers to a theory that views motor development as involving many distinct skills that are organized and reorganized over time to meet specific needs

Dynamic testing means measures learning potential by having a child learn something new in the presence of the examiner and with the examiner’s help

Dynamic touch is defined as touch experienced when the body is in motion; a combination of sensations from skin receptors, muscles, and joints.
Dynamic traits defined as traits that describe our motivations and interests.
Dynamic visual acuity refers to ther ability to perceive detail in moving objects