Glossary E

Empyreal relating to the highest heaven, believed to contain pure light or fire; relating to the sky; celestial; sublime; elevated.

- Empyt nest syndrome : Empty nest syndrome refers to the grief that many parents feel when their children move out of home. Empty nest syndrome is typically more common in women, who are more likely to have had th

EMS is the abbreviations of Emergency medical services referring to services used in responding to the perceived individual need for immediate treatment for physiological, medical, or psychological illness or injury.

Emulation is a form of Social learning that refers to understanding the goal of a model and engaging in similar Behavior to achieve that goal, without necessarily reproducing the exa

Enabling actions refer to individuals’ actions and remarks that tend to support others and sustain the interaction
Enactive attainments refer to personal experiences of mastery.

Deutsch: Enaktive Repräsentation / Español: Representación Enactiva / Português: Representação Enativa / Français: Représentation Enactive / Italiano: Rappresentazione Enattiva /

Enactive representation refers to a phrase Bruner used to describe how young children tend to represent their world in terms of sensations and actions, therefore the phase is called "enactive". (see Iconic representation, Symbolic representation.)

Enactment refers to a therapeutic procedure in which families are asked to act out a Conflict so that the therapist can work with the actual Conflict rather than a report of it.