Glossary E

Eugene Vidocq refers to a French criminal and informant who led the French Surete

Eugenics refers to the study of hereditary improvement by genetic control; a science, based on the principle of heredity, that has for its purpose the improvement of the race.

Eunuch means castrated male, to put it simply, it refers to a man with his penis removed who guarded a harem. At times, children were also made eunuchs in childhood to sing soprano in church choirs.

Euphemism refer to language that substitutes a word or expression that is thought to be less distasteful or offensive for one more exactly descriptive of what is intended.

Euphoria refers to an exaggerated sense of well-being. It is the emotion of elation; elevated mood.

Euphoric mood refers to a feeling state that is more cheerful and elated than average, possibly even ecstatic.

Eustressor refers to a positive event, such as marriage, holidays or vacations, that is stressful.

Euthanasia refers to an act or practice of causing death painlessly in order to end suffering: advocated by some as a way to deal with persons dying of incurable, painful diseases.