Glossary E

Ex Parte Order refers to a court order permitting electronic interception of communications

Ex post facto literally means "from after the fact"; describes conditions in an experiment that are determined not prior to the experiment but only after some manipulation has occurred naturally

Ex post facto design is defined as a scientific study in which the values of the independent variable are not manipulated, but selected by the experimenter after the groups have naturally divided themselves.

Ex-post facto refer to laws that apply retroactively, that is, to punish actions conducted before they were pronounced illegal.

Exaggerated grief reactions refer to one of the four (4) types of Complicated grief reactions identified by Worden (2002) which are excessive and disabling in ways that may lead to the development of a phobia or irrational fear, tophysical or psychiatric sypmtoms, or to aberrant or maladaptive behavior.

Examination in the Psychology Context: The Assessment of Psychological Functioning

In the field of psychology, "examination" refers to the systematic and structured process of assessing and evaluating an individual's psychological functioning, which includes cognitive abilities, emotional well-being, behavior, and mental health. Psychological examinations are fundamental for understanding and diagnosing various psychological conditions, making treatment decisions, and promoting mental well-being. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the concept of "examination" in psychology, provide numerous examples of its applications, offer recommendations for effective examination practices, discuss treatment and healing approaches when examinations are used in therapeutic contexts, and list some related concepts within the field of psychology.

Exaptation refers to evolutionary process in which pre-existing physical structures are used for new functions.

Deutsch: Ausnahme / Español: Excepción / Português: Exceção / Français: Exception / Italiano: Eccezione /

Understanding Exceptions in Psychology: Examples, Recommendations, and Similar Concepts

Exception in Psychology:

In psychology, the term "exception" refers to individuals, behaviors, or phenomena that deviate from the expected or normative patterns. These exceptions are valuable because they can provide unique insights into human psychology, challenge existing theories, and shed light on the diversity of human experiences. Understanding exceptions is essential for gaining a more comprehensive understanding of psychological phenomena.