Glossary E

Experimental hypothesis is defined as the theory or proposal on which an experimental study is based. Usually, the hypothesis predicts the effects of the treatment administered.

Experimental method refers to a research method used to uncover cause-and-effect relationships between variables.

Experimental neurosis is defined as the neurotic behavior that Pavlov created in some of his laboratory animals by bringing excitatory and inhibitory tendencies into conflict. Experimental neurosis, moreover, refers to an experimentally produced disorder in which animals exposed to unpredictable events develop neurotic-like symptoms.
Experimental psychology refers to the experimental study of human behaviour, especially sensation and perception

Experimental Realism refers to the degree to which the experiment absorbs and involves its participants; the extent to which the study’s setting feels realistic and involving to participants and elicits spontaneous behavior ; the extent to which study participants get so caught up in the procedures that they forget they are in an experiment In simulation research, Experimental Realism is defined as the extent to which the psychological aspects of the research environment duplicate the real-world environment that is being simulated.

Experimental reliability refers to the extent to which the experimental results can be replicated or will be obtained again if the experiment is repeated.

Experimental research is defined essentially as research in which the causal (independent ) variable(s) can be manipulated in order to change an effect Because of this element of manipulation, researchers in using experimental methods are expected to maintain a good degree of control throughout the period of the study to establish with confidence that cause and effect occurred.

Experimental research strategy refers to a research strategy that attempts to establish the existence of a cause-and-effect relationship between two (2) variables by manipulating one variable while measuring the second variable and controlling all other variables.