Glossary E

Experimental studies is defined as studies in which the independent variables are directly manipulated and the effects on the dependent variable are examined

Deutsch: Experimentelle Studie / Español: Estudio Experimental / Português: Estudo Experimental / Français: Étude Expérimentale / Italiano: Studio Sperimentale

Experimental study in the psychology context refers to a research method that involves the manipulation of one or more independent variables to observe the effect on a dependent variable. This method allows researchers to establish cause-and-effect relationships between variables, providing a rigorous framework for testing hypotheses.

Deutsch: Versuchspersonen / Español: Sujetos de experimentación / Português: Sujeitos experimentais / Français: Sujets de l'expérience / Italiano: Soggetti sperimentali /

Experimental subjects refer to humans who is also referred to as participants or animals whose behavior is investigated in an experiment.

Experimentation in the Psychology Context: Understanding, Examples, and the Pursuit of Knowledge

Experimentation in psychology refers to the systematic investigation of human behavior and mental processes through controlled and empirical studies. It is a fundamental research method that helps psychologists gain insights into various aspects of human cognition, emotion, and behavior. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the meaning and significance of experimentation, provide examples to illustrate its various forms, offer recommendations for conducting ethical and effective experiments, and discuss related psychological concepts that underscore the importance of empirical research in psychology.

Experimenter bias refers to the iInfluence of the experimenter''s expectations or personal beliefs on the findings of a study. Experimenter bias is a type of artifact and threatens bo

Experimenter effects refer to artifactual results due to the presence of an experimenter

Experimenter Expectancy effect refers to the influence on the performance of experimental participants generated by an experimenter"s beliefs or hypotheses, which somehow get subtly t

Experimenter expectancy effects is defined as a process by which experimenters unwittingly lead participants to confirm the experimenters' hypothesis.