Glossary E

Emotional effects associated with stress refers to one of the four (4) major kinds of effects which are associated with Stress characterized as follows:

1. Feeling of Anxiety

Emotional expression refer to outward signs that an Emotion is occurring.

Emotional expressiveness refers to the extent to which people outwardly express their emotions.

Emotional feelings refer to the private, subjective experience of having an emotion.

Emotional Inhibition refers to the belief that you must control your self -expression or others will reject or criticize you.

Deutsch: Emotionale Isolation / Español: Aislamiento emocional / Português: Isolamento emocional / Français: Isolation émotionnelle / Italiano: Isolamento emotivo /

Emotional insulation is a defense mechanism that unconsciously protects a person against unwanted feelings by creating an attitudinal shield of not caring. A person unconsciously protects or "emotionally insulate" himself/herself against unwanted feelings by creating an attitudinal shield of not caring.

Emotional neglect refers to the Failure to provide for a child"s basic emotional needs, including marked inattention to the child"s needs for affection, refusal of or Failure to provi

Deutsch: Emotionale Abstumpfung / Español: Entumecimiento emocional / Português: Entorpecimento emocional / Français: Engourdissement émotionnel / Italian: Intorpidimento emotivo

Emotional Numbing is a psychological phenomenon where an individual experiences a reduced ability to feel emotions. It is often a response to trauma, prolonged stress, or psychological disorders such as depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This state of emotional blunting can affect both positive and negative emotions, leading to a sense of detachment from oneself and others.