Foot-in-the-door technique refers to a technique to get people to comply with a request, whereby people are presented first with a small request, to which they are expected to acquiesce, followed by a larger request, to which it is hoped they also acquiesce
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Foot-in-the-door technique refers to a a technique to get people to comply with a request, whereby people are presented first with a small request, to which they are expected to acquiesce, followed by a larger request, to which it is hoped they also acquiesce. It means getting people to agree to a small request to increase the chances that they will agree to a larger request later.
Foot-in-the-door technique, moreover, is an influence technique or a method of influence based on commitment in which the influencer first makes a very small request that the target will probably agree to; once the target agrees to the minor request, he or she is more likely to agree to the influencer’s more important request.