Glossary H

Home sign is gestural communication systems that deaf children typically invent to communicate if they are not exposed to a sign language.

Homemaker services refers to in-home help with laundry, shopping, meal preparation, personal hygiene and grooming, money management and light housekeeping.

Homeopathic magic is the type of sympathetic magic involving the belief that doing something to a likeness of a person will influence that person.

Homeostasis refers to an optimal level or ideal level of bodily functions. This varies for each individual and relates to blood glucose level, body temperature, rate of circulation, and breathing.

Homeothermic means maintaining nearly constant body temperature over a wide range of environmental temperatures
Homeotherms is defined as animals that maintain a fairly constant internal temperature.
Homesign refers to a grammatical feature that specifies the position of the head of a phrase, noun in noun phrase, verb in verb phrase, and so on
Homework refer to specific behaviors or activities that clients are asked to do after a therapy session.