Glossary H

Homologous means corresponding in structure, position, or origin but not necessarily in function.

Homologous structures refer to body parts that develop from the same embryonic tissue, an example would be the female clitoris and the male penis
Homologous transfusion refers to a blood transfusion using blood of the same type but from another donor.

Homology means similarity in characteristics resulting from a shared ancestry. Homology is from the Greek "homologia" which means agreement.

Homonymous means same-sided.

Homonymous hemianopia means same-sided half-blindness. It is partial blindness on the same side, or visual field, of each eye. The partial blindness is not related to a malfunction of the eye, but to the brain connection to the occipital lobes. This problem is also attributed to unilateral damage to the right or left occipital lobes.

Homophily is defined as the tendency for group members to display certain affinities, such as similarities in demographic background, attitudes, values, or so on. It is the overall degree of similarity of individuals within the same group.

Homophobia refers to irrational hatred or fear of homosexuals or homosexuality.