Glossary H

Hormone refers to chemical messenger produced by the endocrine glands.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) refers to a therapy in which women take low doses of estrogen, which is usually combined with Progestin, a synthetic form of Progesterone

Hornswoggle means to cheat, hoax, or deceive someone.

Horopter is defined as an imaginary surface that passes through the point of fixation. Images caused by a visual stimulus on this surface fall on corresponding points on the two (2) retinas.

Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) refers to an enzyme found in the roots of horseradish that allows mapping of neuronal pathways using an axonal transport mechanism.

Hospice refers to a program that provides palliative and supportive care for terminally ill patients and their families. The whole family is considered the unit of care, and care extends through their period of mourning.

Hospice bereavement follow-up programs refer to Hospice services for family members; in particular, services offered after the death of a hospice patient or to community members experiencing loss

Hospice care is an alternative to hospital and home care, designed to provide warm, personal comfort for terminally ill patients which may be residential or home-based. Hopsice care are services designed to implement the hospice philosophy ; a form of palliative care offered near the end of life. Morever, Hospice care is an integrated system of medicine, nursing, counseling, and spiritual care for the terminally ill and their family that emphasizes pain control and emotional support and typically refrains from extraordinary measures to prolong life.